Greetings from your family in Breckenridge!   Grand Lodge on Peak 7 is pleased to share a few updates with our owners:  It has been a beautiful summer so far! We’ve had a good amount of rain, making Breckenridge lovely and colorful with the wildflowers. With the rain, there has also been a lot of lightning […]

Greetings from your family in Breckenridge! Grand Lodge on Peak 7 is pleased to share a few updates with our owners: It’s getting warmer outside, and we love to see the sun shining on the slopes! Breckenridge Peak 7 will remain open through April and May, so long as we can keep the snow around! […]

Electric Vehicles are becoming more and more prevalent, which we love to see as a benefit to our environment! As such, the frequency of EV charging on the property is increasing, so we are looking to modify our EV charging policies. In an effort to create more of a “pay to play” approach, versus having […]