This 6.5 mile trail system is located in the Highlands residential area. It consists of lower, middle and upper flume singletrack trails. This ride is great for all bike riding levels, but there are a few steep loose climbs that can be a bit difficult for beginners. The loops is a well marked loop and can be ridden in either direction.

Parking: There isn’t a trailhead parking lot, but you can park across the road at the Recreation Center. For detailed directions go here.

Betty’s Trail is located 3/4 miles up French Gulch on the north side of the road. This .9 mile singletrack trail climbs through multiple switchback and then descends back to French Gulch. If you continue east, you make your way across a paved road to Gold Run Road.

This trail is also pet friendly and great for a short hike with a furry friend.

Have you made it out on the trails yet? Blair Witch is a great trail to start your season on. This 1.4 miles winding trail is perfect for an easy/intermediate trail rider. Switching between open space and trees, this ride will keep you on your toes.